Wednesday 17 June 2020

Meanwhile the actress has been crying on Instagram over the presence of the novel coronavirus and many have linked her tears to her inability to travel and have her first child in the state. Many encouraged her to hit the street and protest against poor medical services rendered in Nigeria if she feels she doesn’t like it.

Not long ago, Nigerian actress Angela Okorie shared videos of her face and head brutally attacked by gunmen she claims to be assassins.

The real reason behind the attack has not been brought to light as she keeps saying its an attack from her haters.

However a close source has it that Angela was attacked by the wife of a married man she is sleeping with. The source say Angela was said to be sleeping with both the man and his wife but both were living in separate places.

Unfortunately the wife of the married man found out about Angel’s affair with her husband, got angry and quarreled with Angela. Angela then took advantage over their quarrel and began blackmailing both the man and his wife. The man paid $20,000 and the woman paid $10,000 unknowing to each other.

The wife then warned Angela to stay away from her husband but Angela refused to listen of which she sent thugs to beat and blind Angela but not to kill her like she claims.

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