Monday 22 January 2024


                 Engr. Jerry Odeh 

Those who perceive everyone as competitors do not provide assistance to anyone. Those who see the world through a lens of Love are driven to assist others.

Not everyone is deserving of knowing all the details about you. 
A straightforward guideline: Only confide in those who have the ability to assist you.

Certain individuals are like medication. They offer assistance but also come with significant negative consequences. Exercise caution.

Always remember the people whom God utilized to demonstrate His undeserved Favor towards you. He used them to provide assistance to you.

People may forget, but God never does. In due time, He will remind those assigned to aid you of your presence......Just remain faithful!

Help is necessary for the fulfillment of one's Purpose. You cannot complete your mission by yourself. Pray for God to send you the right connections.

The most paramount lesson to learn in life is that God never abandons you. People may leave, but God remains to assist you in standing up!

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