Wednesday 12 August 2020



Two weeks after their honeymoon, Kehinde was praying and writing down things about a very pressing burden which woke him up as early as 2am while his wife was still fast asleep.

“Lord, how do you want me to go about it. Where do you want me to start and what’s the message?” He was asking God earnestly in prayer when suddenly Sade woke up and sat down on the bed thoughtfully.
Though his eyes were tightly closed in prayers, he felt it that his wife had woken up, so he looked towards their bedside and found her in thoughts.

“Darling, are you alright?” He asked and stood up from where he was sitting at the study table to join her.
” I had a dream.” She replied.
“Tell me about it.” He said and sat down very close to her.

“In that dream, I had covered a along thorny distance then found myself on a new path. On this new path, the journey was easy and seemed more meaningful as I saw myself joyfully picking up broken pitchers along the road with me on that journey.
” what do you intend doing with those broken vessels?” a grey headed old man in white asked me.
“I don’t really know sir. I just felt like carrying them along with me, perhaps they may be useful to me someday.” I replied the old man.

“No, their usefulness is not only for you but basically for God’s glory. You are only meant to mend the broken pitchers along with your husband through the wisdom of God, your gifts, your lifestyles and resources.” The man told me.
“How on earth can these be mended? There are broken beyond repair sir.” I said in disbelief and he smiled.

“There’s no broken vessel that’s beyond the repairing grace and power of God. These broken pitchers you see represent the thousand of young people you will meet in this new phase of your life, they are wounded, broken, confused and tired of the kind of life the kind of lives they have been living and are waiting for a saving touch. Remember, you were once a broken vessel but God used Kehinde to mend and beautify you; so now that you have been strengthened , you must join him in the ministry of mending broken people and strengthen them. All that’s expected of you is to make yourself and marriage available as an instrument for their mending.” The man told me.
“But how do we go about it?” I asked in confusion.
“Start from your house.” The man replied almost immediately, then continued.

“First, let your lives and marriage showcase Christ to the world around you. You are to reach out to young people, bring them closer and feed them. They are famished but not for physical food, you have the water and your husband the solid food and you both are to feed them with balance diet. Go ahead and pick more..” The old man urged me then turned back and left me.
“Oh! Thank you Jesus for confirming your words to me and answering the questions I’ve been asking.” Kehinde said excitedly and she looked at him wondering what’s he’s talking about.

“Darling, you know I’ve lived a rough life in the past and sometimes I wish I can restore the wasted years. I have been having this desire to reach out to young people for a long time but I don’t know how to go about, so this morning the burden became too much that I couldn’t sleep anymore and I was just praying and asking for direction when I noticed that you are awake.” He explained to her feeling elated.

“You see why you are my rightful wife? You are my purpose partner and helper.” He said and hugged her tightly, kissed her forehead repeatedly and ran back to get his hardcover journal where he had written so many things about the burden and she just sat down there smiling at him.
“Look here, I’ve been writing about this vision since 2010 till date. But God have just used you to give me a clear picture of what and how he want us to do it. My beautiful wife, thank you once again for marrying me.” He said beaming with smiles.
“Darling, you know what? Sometimes when you appreciate me like this, I begin to wonder why? I should be the one thanking you, first for not giving up on me when everyone gave up on me, for allowing God use you to restore me back, for taking away my shame and honouring me among women..” She started, breathed down then continued.

“When I call you my crown, I mean it from the depth of my heart because you brought me victory and honor. Whatever is expected of me to do to see that your purpose which have also become my purpose is achieved, I will join you to do it. Baby,I renew my vow again to love you, stand by you, fight for you and run this race with you now and always till the end of our sojourn here on earth. Thank you for marrying me, you are the best husband in the world.” She said and drew closer into his arms in a hug and…

Jumoke’s call woke them up that morning as early as 6am.
“Oma oba, good morning sir.” Her voice was heard over the phone as he received the call with the left hand and Sade’s head rested on his right arm.
“Good morning Jumo, how are you?” He replied.
“Am fine, how is sister Sade?” She inquired.
“She is fine. Are you alright?” He asked almost immediately.
“Yeah, am fine.” She replied then continued.
“But I need your help and guidance. I have two marriage proposals before me right now but I don’t know which to accept because I seems to like the both of them within a short period of time.” She revealed calmly and he sat up properly helping Sade to rest her head on the pillow.
“Jumo, are they born again?” He asked for a start.
“Yes, one is a Pastor based in the US and the second person is Doctor Iyk your friend.” She replied shyly.
“Jumo, that’s a good development. I will be the happiest person if Iyk my friend happens to be the will of God for you in marriage. But you have to put your emotions on hold for now because you must get it right maritally. We have to pray first to hear what God has to say about the both of them before you release your heart to anyone or accept any marriage proposal.” He counseled her carefully and she responded positively.

“Okay, how do we go about the prayers?” She queried.
“Uhm… Let me discuss with my wife and see how we can join hands with you in prayers.” He said then continued.
“But for now, just pray and ask the Lord to open your eyes to know whom His will for you in marriage is. He surely speak to you.” He concluded.
“Thank you oma Oba.” She greeted him.
“Is she awake let me greet her?” She asked and he handed her the phone.
“Sister Jumo, we must drink your coke and fanta this year o.” Sade teased her over the phone.
“I pray so o, please you people should be praying for me o.” Jumoke replied laughing.
“Yes dear,we have been praying for you and soon God will perfect all that concerns you.” Sade assured her and they talked about other things before ending the call.

Kehinde and Sade discussed and agreed to invite her over to their house in order to pray with her and also strengthen their relationship with her.
Two days later,Jumoke visited them for the prayer and they held hands together in prayers after they had had quality time of bible study…

And it has pleased the Lord that this story should not end today and in this way.

To be continued

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