Saturday 18 July 2020

Juliet Ibrahim’s Shocking Confession (Video)

Star actress, Juliet Ibrahim has made a shocking confession.

She said back in August 2019; “I don’t look for things in people. I don’t try to have expectations. But I know that if I meet someone and he’s honest enough and that spark is there… that’s what I look for.”

“I like honesty. I like people who are blunt, from the beginning you just pour it all out. I want to date Chris Brown. I don’t know, I like him. I have a crush on him.”

“I think if I want to meet him, it’s very easy. I know people that know him sort of. But, I just have a crush on him, so it’s not like… But if he comes, we’ll go on that date oh.”

The screen diva took to her Instagram page recently to reveal ten things she cannot live without.

She said; “As a single lady, a sex toy is a must have and it keeps me company. It does everything I need.”

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